Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nithyananda sex scandal - Hindu Saint committing adultery once again

Please watch the video first: Swami Nithyananda had sex with a top actress! The actress's face has been blurred and Swami Nithyananda cannot even complain of morphing!

I was happy that Swamy Nithyananda contributed to the cause of rationalism but it is the same old story which keeps abuzzing every now and then. I am not concerned about what he has done. I am not concerned about his sexual urge but I am quite naturally concerned about the hypocrisy with which he acted upon his desires.

If there is to be perpetual hypocrisy on desires, words and actions, then all the priests in the world including that of the Catholic fraternity and the numerous cardinals and Saints of the world of all religions can give up on their owe to celibacy and come out in the open suggesting, "This is impossible for us, so please let us cardinals have carnal desires and pleasures."

Will there be a loss of faith? If you say yes, then you have the Protestants, mind you! Swami Nithyananda was one who attracted millions of people who had spent thousands of money to enroll themselves in his spiritual classes. His first spirituality class is not in fact spirituality but men and women dancing together for Kollywood and Bollywood fast beats and item numbers!

Well, you may call that pleasure! I am not concerned about his deeds in private but I am much concerned about millions of youngsters and the general population who invested a lot of money in making a certain Spiritual Guru who would go on to sleep with his actress mistress! Their sense of betrayal is huge! The collective betrayal of having spent money and time to get the necessary peace of mind have all gone in vain!

Swami (if he still is) Nithyananda was one who was born in rather a small town who conceived murky, crooked ways to become a millionaire. Now that he is, his aspirations would go so far as to rope in the one who is considered the most beautiful woman in India and we, gentlemen and women, could finance him to achieve such huge feat!

His finances may be falling short of getting top heroines in all the "Woods" to bed! Finally, we have here the great Swami Nithyananda who can convert the turn the "Woods" on to his "beds!" If someone is hypocritical, then it suggests that it is only for the sake of earning money and enjoying the pleasures of life!

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  1. a Very Good post - he has a lots of followers whose life has been ruined and they have taken sanyasi under his umberla... they have left their jobs to work under him - what will they be thinking now

  2. Thank you Anonymous guy or girl! Yes these people trick them into such styles of life as Sanyasis and it is they who stupidly suffer and the preachers always take home wads of cash!

    Swami Nithyananda did just that! I know of hundreds of devotees who took to him by paying a lot of money for sessions of spiritual practice with him!

    That sounded to me as intolerable! Yes, to imagine how his followers would feel having taken to being priests due to his preachings is the worst thing! If these many people are betrayed, then it could even be a punishable offence by the law which in this case is not!


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