Friday, August 22, 2008

These are my Wits and philosophies

As Featured On EzineArticles

I've been writing all these one-liners and never found vent. I don't even know what to call them. As I presume, Wits are only said and not written. In this confusion and due to lack of knowledge, I call these one-liners.

  • I don’t believe in philosophies being exactly true, right, accurate and applicable to all life, since I myself am being a philosopher.

  • Criticisms make me feel happy that I’m worthy of it; But it also makes me feel sad that I doubt I’m not worthy of what I’m doing.

  • The world’s most strongest emotions have the tendency of ruling even the whole world, but, and also, of perishing on its own.

  • One is rich when one has a lot of money but nothing to spend for and that’s the meaning of being rich.

  • The difference between stress and depression is that, hair grows enormously during depression and falls rapidly during stress.

  • In my past relationships, the ends were always longer than the starts.

  • What’s philosophy in a literal sense?

  • The most interesting part of a cricket match, to my mother, is the presentation ceremony.

  • Sex is an adolescent mystery; A youngster’s quest; A married’s right; Or perhaps a married’s rite.

  • Very often my girlfriend and I forget all differences and then start to have new differences.

  • Expecting a bed of roses is like expecting an equivalent bed of thorns.

  • My brain is a thing; It works like some kinda something.

  • Being famous or genius is either being liked or hated by people never being forgotten in history.

  • Why don’t we have a “no news” day? If observed, yesterday would be lost, today would be nothing and tomorrow would be only one thing on newspapers, “No news day observed yesterday”.

  • Women are possessive even about possessiveness. They think it’s only for themselves. When men get possessive, they say, “You’re suspecting me”.

  • I don’t like to reveal what I read; But, I like to reveal that I read.

  • Why is the one who’s gonna die afraid of the one who has already died?

  • Freedom is never measured; but practiced freedom is measured freedom

  • From the sublime to the ridiculous is nothing but a step.

  • I don’t like thrillers because the ones I suspect are never the killers.

  • Introduction in a book is the one that is always boring and the reader always skips.

  • A silver lining in a cloud is the sun’s attempt to shine beyond the obstruction posed by the clouds.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Some blasphemous wits that I've written

Is it co-incidental or dictated by GOD himself that the reverse of his name be 'DOG'?

Once a Rationalist met a spiritualist. After initial greetings, the spiritualist said,"There's a room. If you enter that room, you can see GOD". Rationalist agreed and entered the room. He came back from the room. Spiritualist was very eager to know what GOD told the rationalist. The Rationalist did not see any GOD.
The Spiritualist asked,"Did you see GOD?"
The Rationalist replied,"Yes. I saw him".
Spiritualist got very eager and asked,"What did he say?".
Rationalist replied,"He said I was destined to be a Rationalist all my life".

Rationalists say there's no GOD by what they know.
But Spiritualists say there's GOD by what they don't know.

I do not believe in GOD, when I succeed;
More do I not believe in Him, when I fail.

My views on feminism

You know, I'd always been cynical of feminism like,'WHY FEMINISM?'. But I happened to read poems of a feminist poet and understood 'WHY FEMINISM'. Because I'd learned how women suffered in the MALE CHAUVINISTIC world. But still I'd say WHY FEMINISM? and why don't you simply liberate by doing what you want?

It's not always the vicious men who were against women. But those who are brought up with preconceived notions of FEMININITY were the major part of it. And also WOMEN who wanted to EXERCISE CONTROL AND REGULATE were part of this evil like MOTHER-IN-LAWS, MOTHERS and MOST WOMEN in general. What's needed is a little rationalism of knowing what's right and also what's ideal living.

If i were asking you,"DOES YOUR HUSBAND OR FATHER GIVE YOU FULL FREEDOM? DO THEY LET YOU GO FOR JOBS?". Most of the liberated women would say,"YES, MY HUSBAND GIVES ME ALL FREEDOM". 90% of you would say the same. And I'll ask you the 2nd question,"Is freedom given (by anybody to anyone)?".

If you have freedom, you don't need to seek permission at all. As long as it's given , it's not freedom at all. Instead, a situation where you simply share with your husband your idea of going to work and him appreciating the idea is the success of feminism.

This will bring intimacy and harmony in family relations and atmosphere. This is what we want to achieve. This is the success of feminist movements. Imagine such a liberation with the intimacy in family relations and a harmony in society among sexes.

Why not there's a 'SEXUAL SECULARISM' or SECULARISM OF SEXES' where we live in harmony along with the third gender, homosexuals etc. Women can bring this about.

But before that, first try to eliminate preconceived notions of what femininity is. Don't take someone's words for granted who says femininity is this, that etc.

I'll post more upon request. Looking for your response. Please provide me with the fuel of responses for me to have good mileage.

My views on rationalism

Rationalism is not live and let live to be a norm of the hippie society nor is it a conditioning or regulating or moral system. To me, Rationalism is a 'no-belief' system. We don't have any beliefs and none of the beliefs takes us to conclusions.

If I were a communist, I'd be looked down. If I were a capitalist, I'd be criticised.

But to be rational doesn't mean to take those criticisms and be in neither. But, Beliefs tend to drag you to their view of the world and hence, to be away from it using rationalism. Everything is an illusion. All beliefs are illusions but the reality is that this world accomodates all views and supports it with logic and reason. This world is an arbitrary one and all the changes and evolution are arbitrary. We do have a struggle for existence in all sense of the phrase.

And this struggle is what that makes us to innovate and make living conditions better but also deteriorate and create chaos due to our limitations, or the limitations of the human mind. Because We're transient beings. And no one else is eternal as well.

For example, Rationalism doesn't say if sex is right or wrong. But it looks into WHAT'S SEX?
It takes no sides and nor is it biased towards our emotions to say sex is completely right. But if two people are willing to go for it, they can do so and not if only one alone is. Because Rationalism is considerate of the others' emotions too.

And about God it says God is not necessary for mankind and ultimately 'THE ALMIGHTY MAN' too has failed just like our Prime Minister 'MANMOHAN SINGH'. Even if somoene called God existed. And to me, He didn't exist. If he did, let him do so and I am agnostic. But I don't want him. And rationalism is not agnosticism too.

It's there towards mankind, for mankind and serves mankind.

And this view may have come of certain beliefs and systems. But It's of personal experiences, knowledge and what have been personally felt so far by me.

What do you think? Hope to get your responses soon.

Thank you!

I'd like to teach filmmaking

I've been requested by very freshers to teach them about film making as though I made a number of films that are being sent to film festivals all around. I'm also a fresher by industry standards but I think when you take film making as an art, you're hardly a fresher. Besides that, I may not be able to tell this in the industry to offend a number of technicians whose experience is my age.

Modestly and Honestly, I've learned a lot about films in a very short period of time. I mean some 10 years. That is, I learned from, "How does the camera move so quickly from one person to the other? Are there too many cameras? Cinematographer is sitting at which camera? And in an OSS Shot, are there two cameras?"

And the screenplay aspect of it, by mere watching. But any art practitioner could do so without much experience but for the practical, managerial aspect of it that requires some interpersonal, managerial and problem solving skills.

But a fresher director can work with the technicians and actors that he's best comfortable with, in the beginning, if the producer is to avert the immediate need of a box office hit, that he presumably thinks comes only from a MASS HERO and not from a good story and screenplay.

And I've been wanting to express myself and teach about film making. Because not all my ideas get executed due to limited scope. So would like to share it. Besides we don't have proper education or institution. I don't have the authority to teach and mislead but can express and I'm gonna do it.

Ok first lesson:
Que: What's a film?
Ans: A film is an art form just as any other art that exists like painting, writing, performing arts. But a film maybe inclusive of all or most aspects of the other art forms. Here, you can do anything and everything. But what one has to take care of is the quality. Any art sells by its quality. And so do films. Be it realism, fantasy or fiction. Anything maybe considered creativity and so can anything be done.