Mani Ratnam took care of the greater market in promoting his film as he was burdened with a Rs. 120 crore budget being held responsible under Reliance Big Pictures. The smaller regional markets were taken care of by actors such as Vikram for Tamil, Prithvi Raj for Malayalam and the Telugu audience is known to accept dubbed versions of Tamil films.
Mani Ratnam became an ambassador for the film (which he need not be for his name sells) ‘Raavan’ as he had to tour the US and the Europe. Mani Ratnam was accepted as the auteur of Indian Cinema by the whole of India besides being a Tamilian hailing from Chennai. The reason was that his films proved to stand beyond regional bias by their sheer quality.
While the American and Australian media went berserk over the film ‘Raavan’, it is only the north Indian media that subjected Mani Ratnam to a vicious calumny waiting for the right time. Mani Ratnam Ki Aag (in reminiscence with RGV ki Aag) is the latest buzz word doing the rounds. However, the film ‘Raavan’ , as witnessed and commented by the South Indians, is not as bad as it was made out to be.
Reviews and comments on the film ‘Raavan’ are simply, “please don’t watch Raavan and waste time.” Nothing else could be said beyond this. It was also due to the reigning hero of the North ‘Ram’ being made ‘demonic’ in character and ‘Raavan’ being glorified as a hero. This South Indian, Tamil ethnical sensibility is not definitely suitable for the North Indian audience and the angry comments turned towards the making, story and the screenplay.
The Tamil ‘Raavanan’s reviews had turned positive for over 90%. The rest of the 10% hinted at the loopholes of the film. Vikram carried the film on his shoulders with significant ease proving to be a charismatic actor and a star. ‘Raavanan’ is a cult hit in Tamil and the Tamil audience remained faithful to their avant-garde auteur in their feedbacks about their film and still love and defend their magnificient Mani Ratnam.
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